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General terms and conditions

Our general terms and conditions

Below you will find our General Terms and Conditions. These always apply when you use or place an order through our website. The General Terms and Conditions contain important information for you as a buyer. Please read them carefully. We also recommend that you save or print these conditions so that you can read them again at a later date.

Article 1 - Definitions:

Article 2 - Applicability of General Terms and Conditions:

2.1. These terms and conditions apply to all quotations, offers, work, orders, agreements and delivery of services or products by or on behalf of LegalDirekt.

2.2. LegalDirekt and the Customer may deviate from these terms and conditions only if this has been agreed in writing agreed.

2.3. LegalDirekt and the Customer expressly exclude the applicability of the general terms and conditions of the Customer or of other(s) is expressly excluded.

Article 3 - Offers, Formation And Modification Of Agreement:

3.1. At LegalDirekt, we do our best to make the best offers to our clients, but all our offers are without obligation unless we expressly state otherwise in the offer.

3.2. An agreement is only established when we and our Client reach a written reach an agreement.

3.3. Once we have an agreement, it can only be amended if we reach a written agreement with the Client. For example, we can only agree in writing to changes in the quantity or price of the products or services we provide.

Article 4 - Prices and Payment:

4.1. Prices and VAT. All prices quoted by LegalDirekt are exclusive of VAT and other levies imposed by the government, unless explicitly stated otherwise. Payments shall be inclusive of VAT and/or other levies.

4.2. Additional goods, works and services. Prices shall apply only to the goods, services and works specified in the agreement by name. All additional goods supplied, works performed and/or services rendered by LegalDirekt shall be services will be charged separately at prices as applicable on the day of delivery and/or provision of services.

4.3. Changes in price. Prices quoted by LegalDirekt are based on the purchase prices, taxes and other such factors applicable at the time of quotation. purchase prices, taxes and other such factors applicable at the time of quotation. If after the conclusion of the agreement one or more of the aforementioned factors undergo changes undergo changes, LegalDirekt shall be entitled to change the agreed price.

4.4. Payment term. All invoices shall be paid by the Client in accordance with the agreed and stated on the invoice payment conditions. In the absence of such conditions, the Client shall pay within 14 days of the invoice date.

4.5. Default. If the Client fails to pay the amounts due within the agreed period, the Client shall be in default by operation of law. The Client will owe statutory interest on the outstanding amount, without prejudice to its other obligations.

4.6. Costs of collection. Collection costs, both judicial and extrajudicial, shall be at the expense of the Client, such with a minimum of € 250.

4.7. Order of payment Payments made by the Customer shall always serve firstly to settle all interest and costs due and secondly to settle due and payable invoices which have been outstanding for the longest time. interest and costs due and in the second place to due invoices that have been outstanding the longest. outstanding.

Article 5 - Complaints:

5.1. Objection to invoice If the Principal objects to an invoice from LegalDirekt, she must inform LegalDirekt in writing within 8 days after the invoice date in writing. If the Principal does not complain in time, her claim for correction of the invoice.

5.2. Consequences of complaints. A complaint by the Client shall not suspend its payment obligations. This means that despite the objection, the Client must pay the invoice must pay the invoice within the agreed term.

5.3. Principal's duty to investigate. It is the responsibility of the Client to examine the goods receipt of the goods, services and works to examine them immediately for visible defects. If visible defects are detected, the Principal must complain about them in writing to LegalDirekt within 8 days after receipt to complain in writing to LegalDirekt

5.4. Warranties and complaints procedure. In addition to the Principal's obligation to timely complain in the event of visible defects, the Principal may also claim any guarantees that are are given by LegalDirekt. This is subject to the complaints procedure which has been drawn up by LegalDirekt and which can be found on the website.

5.5. Burden of proof on complaint. In the event of a complaint by the Principal, the burden of proof is on the Principal to prove that the delivered does not comply with the agreement. If LegalDirekt considers the complaint well-founded, it shall proceed to repair or replace the delivered goods.

5.6. Limitation period. A claim by the Client is only valid if it is made within a reasonable period of time. A reasonable period is not mentioned in the law, but in practice a period of 2 months after discovery of the defect is considered reasonable. Claims submitted after this period will no longer be considered.

Article 6 - Dissolution and Cancellation:

6.1. Dissolution by LegalDirekt. LegalDirekt may, without being obliged to pay any be obliged to pay damages, in writing with immediate effect and without legal dissolve in whole or in part its agreement with the Client if:

a. the Customer applies for a suspension of payments or bankruptcy or is declared bankrupt or offers an is declared bankrupt or offers an arrangement outside bankruptcy, or any part of its assets is seized;

b. the Client is placed under administration or guardianship;

c. the statutory debt restructuring scheme is pronounced in respect of the Client;

d. the Principal ceases its activities, ceases to pursue its statutory objective, decides to wind up decides, otherwise loses its legal personality or transfers or merges its business;

e. the Client fails to fulfil one or more obligations arising from the relevant agreement does not comply, does not comply in time or does not comply properly.

6.2. Consequences of dissolution. Due to dissolution, mutually existing claims become immediately due and payable. The provisions of the previous paragraph shall not affect the other rights accruing to LegalDirekt in case of shortcoming in the performance of the performance of the Principal, such as those to claim compensation and/or fulfilment of the compensation and/or performance of the agreement.

6.3. Termination by the parties. If the agreement, by its nature and content, does not end by means of a specific performance and has been entered into for an indefinite period of time, it may be terminated by either party terminate by written notice after proper consultation and stating reasons. If no notice period has been agreed between the parties, a reasonable

Article 7 - Termination or Suspension of the Agreement:

If by force majeure compliance with the agreement without default is not possible for LegalDirekt, it shall be entitled to terminate the agreement in whole or in part or to temporarily suspend the suspend the performance of the agreement temporarily, without being liable to pay any compensation be held to any compensation.

6.2 Force majeure definition. Force majeure means a circumstance which prevents the fulfilment of the agreement and cannot be attributed to LegalDirekt. Examples are strikes and illness of staff, business interruptions, government measures and transport disruptions. Both if these occur at LegalDirekt and at its suppliers.

6.3 Partial performance. If LegalDirekt has already partially fulfilled its obligations before the occurrence of force majeure, or by the occurrence of force majeure will only partially fulfil its obligations, it shall be entitled to separately invoice the part already delivered or deliverable. invoice separately. The Customer shall be obliged to pay this invoice as if it were a separate agreement.

6.4 Invocation of force majeure after expiry date. LegalDirekt is entitled to invoke force majeure invoke force majeure, even if the non-attributable circumstance preventing fulfilment of its obligation prevents the fulfilment of its obligation, only occurs after it should have fulfilled its obligation.

Article 8 - Liability:

8.1. Limitations on liability. LegalDirekt shall not be liable for damages except in the cases described in this article.

8.2. Exclusion of indirect damage. LegalDirekt shall not be liable for indirect damage, including consequential damage, loss of profit, missed savings and damage due to business interruption.

8.3. Limitation of direct damage. LegalDirekt shall only be liable for direct damage resulting of an attributable shortcoming in its obligations under the agreement or from an unlawful deed, to the amount equal to the amount invoiced or to be invoiced to the Client pursuant to the agreement. invoiced or to be invoiced, excluding VAT and other government levies, up to a maximum of € 50,000.

8.4. Conditions of liability. LegalDirekt's liability only arises if the Client has given LegalDirekt written and proper notice of default, setting a reasonable time limit for remedying the reasonable time for curing the shortcoming, and LegalDirekt continues to fail imputably in the fulfilment of its fulfilment of its obligations.

8.5. Force majeure. LegalDirekt shall not be liable if a failure is the result of force majeure.

8.6. Exception to restrictions. The limitations included in this article do not apply if the damage is the result of intent or gross negligence of LegalDirekt or its executive subordinates.

8.7. Limitation period. Any liability of LegalDirekt shall lapse by expiry of one year, to be counting from the time when the damage arose, provided that any liability of LegalDirekt lapses in any case by the lapse of one year, counting from the end of the agreement with which the damage is most closely connected.

Article 9 - Indemnification:

9.1. Indemnification for non-performance of obligations. The Principal shall indemnify LegalDirekt against all possible claims of third parties that have arisen because of non-fulfilment by the Principal of the obligations obligations resting on the Principal pursuant to an agreement and these general terms and conditions. obligations.

9.2. Indemnification in case of damage. The Principal further indemnifies LegalDirekt against claims of third parties regarding damage arising in connection with the execution of an instruction. If the Principal is sued by a third party in respect of damage for which the Principal and/or the third party can or will hold LegalDirekt (also) liable, the Principal shall inform LegalDirekt within 8 days. Inform LegalDirekt thereof in writing within 8 days after the claim by the third party. notice.

9.3. Settlement of claims. The Client shall only settle such claims in consultation with LegalDirekt on penalty of forfeiture of the claims of the Principal towards LegalDirekt.

Article 10 - Non-disclosure:

General Terms and Conditions Article 9 Confidentiality

10.1. The parties acknowledge the confidential nature of the information they receive from each other in the context of the Agreement received from each other. They undertake to keep all confidential information secret and to use it only for the purpose for which it was provided.

10.2. Confidential information means any information, in any form, which is designated as confidential by either party or which can reasonably be assumed to be confidential in nature.

10.3. The parties shall take all reasonable measures to protect the confidential information and shall not disclose such information to third parties, except insofar as this is necessary for the performance of the agreement or if they are required to do so by law.

10.4. The obligation of confidentiality remains in force even after termination of the agreement.

10.5. If a party needs to provide information to a third party, for example to a government agency or a regulator, the relevant party will inform the other party without delay forthwith, unless a statutory provision prohibits the relevant party from informing the other party to be informed.

10.6. In case of breach of the confidentiality obligation, the breaching party is liable for the damage suffered by the other party as a result.

Article 11 - Applicable law and competent court:

1. These general terms and conditions and any underlying agreement between the Customer and LegalDirekt shall be governed by Dutch law.

2. The court in the district of LegalDirekt's place of business shall have exclusive jurisdiction to take cognisance of any disputes between the Customer and LegalDirekt, unless the law provides otherwise provides otherwise.

Retrieved September 1, 2023.

Contact details

If you have any questions, complaints, or comments after reading these general terms and conditions, please feel free to contact us in writing or by email.

P.C. Staalweg 12
3721 TJ Bilthoven
Telephone: 030 207 2887

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