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Many entrepreneurs looking to expand their business into Germany face questions about the proper licences and permits they need to comply with laws and regulations. Finding all the necessary information can be complicated, especially if you are not familiar with German law. Meeting these legal requirements is crucial to operate legally in Germany. 

But where do you start? How do you find the right information? Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to find out more about the requirements. Don't worry, we are here to help!

Consult the German ministry or agency responsible for your industry

Each industry has its own specific rules and regulations, and it is important to know which authority is responsible for your sector. For example, if you work in healthcare, you can contact the Federal Ministry of Health directly. They can provide you with detailed and up-to-date information on the required licences and permits for your specific business activities.

Of course, you can also enlist the help of an expert from LegalDirekt; we assist entrepreneurs in all kinds of industries in doing business in Germany. This saves countless hours of research!

Contact the Zollamt for customs and trade permits

If you plan to engage in international trade, it is advisable to contact the Zollamt (Customs Office). They can provide you with valuable information on any customs and trade permits required for your specific industry. It is important to check these permits carefully to ensure that you meet all legal requirements and can operate in Germany without any problems.

It can be difficult to find out all the necessary information about licences and permits on your own. This is why we recommend working with a German lawyer or consultant who specialises in your industry. They will have the knowledge and experience to help you identify the specific requirements for your business.

Compliance in Germany regarding licences and permits

Remember: obtaining the right licences and permits is essential for successful and legal business operations in Germany. Take the time to consult the relevant authorities, contact the Zollamt and enlist the expertise of a German lawyer or consultant. That way, you can confidently explore and conquer Germany's business landscape.

Contact us today for more information and find out how LegalDirekt can support you in obtaining the necessary licences and permits for your specific business activities in Germany.

4. limited partnership (LP)

The Limited partnership (LP) is a special form of partnership, involving two types of partners: managing partners and silent partners. The managing partners have active involvement in company management and are personally liable for the company's debts, while the silent partners are only liable for their contribution to the company.

The LP thus combines the advantages of personal liability of the general partners with the possibility of attracting external investors as silent partners. This makes it a suitable option for companies that need capital without wanting to bear full liability.

Advantage of LP:

  • Combination of personal liability and external investors.

5. General Partnership (GP)

The Offene Trading Company (OTC) is a general partnership (GP) in which all partners are fully and personally liable for the debts of the company. This makes the OTC a suitable choice for small companies or family businesses, where trust between the partners is high.

An important aspect of the GP is that no minimum capital is required for incorporation, making it accessible to start-ups. Moreover, the partners can work together in a flexible structure and benefit from joint decision-making.

Advantage OHG:

  • Flexible structure and collaborative decision-making.
  • No minimum capital requirements for incorporation.

6. partnership company (PartC)

The Partnership Company (PartC) is a unique form of company suitable for liberal professions, such as lawyers, doctors or architects. In a PartG, the partners are jointly and personally liable for the company's debts.

What distinguishes the PartC is the possibility for professionals to pool their expertise and resources without the limitations of liability of a GmbH or AG. This promotes close cooperation between partners and the ability to build trust and specialisation within the company.

Advantage PartC:

  • Pooling of expertise and resources without limitations on liability.
  • Close cooperation between partners.

7. limited liability company (LLC)

The Entrepreneurial company (limited liability company) (LLC) is often referred to as the mini-GmbH because of its similarity to the GmbH. This form of company is attractive to start-ups as it requires a lower minimum contribution than the GmbH.

Although the LLC offers the advantages of limited liability, part of the profits must be reserved to increase the start-up capital to the level of a regular GmbH. Only then can the LLC be converted into a GmbH.

Advantage LLC:

  • Lower minimum contribution than the GmbH.
  • Possibility to convert to a GmbH after capital increase.

8. Co-operative (Co)

The Co-operative (Co) is a cooperative, where members jointly own the company and share profits. This form of enterprise focuses on cooperation and community spirit, and its aim is to serve the interests of its members.

The Co can range from small local cooperatives to large organisations in different sectors. Members have a say in decision-making and profit distribution, making it a democratic and inclusive business structure.

Advantage Co:

  • Collaboration and community spirit.
  • Democratic and inclusive business structure.

Choosing the right form of company in Germany is a crucial step for any business. Each business form has its own characteristics and advantages, and it is important to be well informed before making a decision. The right choice will lay the foundation for the success of your business. Make sure you seek legal advice and make an informed decision that best suits your business and your vision for the future.

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