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If you operate a website or webshop in Germany, you have probably heard of the term "Warning". These are legal warnings or reminders that put you at high risk of a lawsuit. It stems from your failure to comply with German law.

In the Netherlands, you generally only have to follow broad outlines when it comes to legal documents for your website. But in Germany, the legislation is much stricter and there is even a real "Abmahnkultur". This means that various law firms actively scour the internet in search of companies that do not comply with the legally required pages. As soon as they find such a company, they immediately send an official reminder.

Because German legislation is so complex and strict, it can be difficult to comply with all requirements. Therefore, it is common for companies to unknowingly violate certain laws and therefore face an Warning.

Why are warning letters so dangerous?

The dangerous thing about warning letters are that it can quickly cost you a fortune. For something as simple as forgetting an Impressum (a legally required page with important information about your company), you can be fined at least €50,000 or even more. And that, of course, is a major setback, especially if your company is just starting out or your budget doesn't really need such a fine.

Because German legislation is so complex and strict, it can be difficult to comply with all requirements. Therefore, it is common for companies to unknowingly violate certain laws and therefore face an Warning.

How can you protect yourself?

It can be extremely stressful and costly to deal with a warning letter. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare well and minimize as many risks as possible. LegalDirekt provides you with several tips to protect yourself against a warning letter:

Ensure correct legal documentation

Make sure you have all the necessary legal documents for your website: a Impressum, general terms and conditions and privacy statement. These documents must meet specific requirements and contain no errors. It is therefore wise to hire an experienced professional familiar with German law to draft these documents.

We want to prevent you from facing fines and legal complications as a result of non-compliance. By working with LegalDirekt, you can be confident that your practices in Germany are compliant with relevant legislation.

Keep up to date with German legislation

The German legislation can change regularly, so it is important to keep abreast of any changes and new requirements. This can be done by following legal blogs, attending seminars or by contacting a legal adviser who specialises in internet laws.

We want to prevent you from facing fines and legal complications as a result of non-compliance. By working with LegalDirekt, you can be confident that your practices in Germany are compliant with relevant legislation.

Respond adequately to a warning letter

If you unexpectedly receive a warning letter, it is crucial to respond quickly and appropriately. Contact a specialist in German internet law to advise you on the best course of action. It is important to remember that each situation is unique, so seeking professional advice is essential to avoid further legal issues

Avoid fines and warning letters

Failure to comply with legal requirements can result in high fines, which can have a significant impact on the company's financial health. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to ensure that legal documentation is in full order, so that you do business in Germany with peace of mind and avoid any kind of legal problems.

Specific international regulations to local requirements

From complex international regulations or specific local requirements, we are here to guide you and make sure your online activities meet all legal requirements.

At LegalDirekt, we understand that time is crucial in business, which is why we are happy to take responsibility for handling your legal matters quickly and efficiently. At LegalDirekt, we can ensure that everything is settled within 48 hours, allowing you to proceed with your plans and ambitions on the German market without delay.

Contact us today and let LegalDirekt be your guide in complying with legal obligations. We will do everything possible to ensure that your business operates safely, without the risk of fines and reputational damage.

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