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Impressum: what entrepreneurs need to know

As an entrepreneur, it is important to comply with legal requirements regarding the publication of an Impressum on your website. An Impressum is a legally required statement that gives visitors information about the company and contact details. Here is an overview of what you need to know about drafting and publishing an Impressum:

What is an Impressum?

An Impressum is a public statement on your website that contains specific information about your company. This includes the following information, among others:

Legal and regulatory framework

For the publication of an Impressum, the following laws and regulations are relevant:

Telemedia Act (TMA): This is the German law on telemedia services and regulates the obligation to include an Impressum on websites. Section 5 TMA sets out the requirements for what information must be included in the Impressum. In addition, there may be specific requirements based on the nature of your business, such as regulated professions or industries, that require additional information in the Impressum.

Why is an Impressum important?

An Impressum is mandatory in many countries, including Germany, to promote transparency and enable visitors to contact you for legal or business purposes. Failure to publish an Impressum can lead to fines and legal consequences.

How to publish an Impressum?

The Impressum should be easily accessible to visitors to your website. It is usually placed in the footer or navigation menu. Make sure it is clearly readable and instantly findable.

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